Imagine Enjoying Your Cash-Creating Cruise Celebration and Fun Vacation with Joel's Inner Circle of Top Internet Marketing Masters

Attention: Internet Marketers, Direct Marketers, Business Owners Entrepreneurs, Authors, and Speakers …
Imagine having breakfast, lunch, and dinner for a whole week with great gurus and millionaire maestros you have read and heard about! You could literally get thousands of dollars of FREE consultations during your vacation!
Hello Fellow Marketer,
I’d like to show you a fool-proof, paint-by-numbers marketing system GUARANTEED to generate more leads, sales and profits for your business.
It’s a revolutionary, connect-the-dots, step-by-step, short-cut profit-building SYSTEM to unleash the explosive profits hidden in your prospect & customer list- even if you're starting from scratch!
And I’d like to show it to you LIVE in person along with Joel Christopher's inner circle of top-gun internet marketing masters and direct marketing gurus while you have fun on the Carnival Funship Imagination!
Discover how you can join this ultra-exclusive, cash-creating cruise celebration and extra-special fun vacation…
Mark your calendars for October 29 - November 3, 2005
'Cuz we're going on a CRUISE...